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睡觉做梦不是睡眠不深指标 4
I w我就是带着行李出国留个学,为什么会被关小黑屋
oke up with a start, sweating profusely. I looked around and found myself in my bedroom. It was the middle of the night and I was breathing heavily. I wondered what had just happened. Suddenly, it dawned on me that I had been dreaming. I looked around the room to make sure that everything was as it should be and that there was no one there. As I sat up, I realized that I felt like I had been taken to another world. My dream was so vivid and real that for a while, I did not know if I was still dreaming or if I was awake. In my dream, I had seen myself flying high in the sky, watching the sunrise over a beautiful landscape. The colours were so vibrant that I could not believe my eyes. I could feel the wind in my hair as I soared through the air. In the distance, I spotted a castle and I decided to fly over it to get a closer look. Inside the castle, I saw a banquet was taking place and I could see people dancing and laughing. It was like I was living inside the dream. As I woke up from the dream, I realized how magical and surreal it was. I knew that I could not go back to sleep, as the dream had left such a wonderful feeling in me. It was like I had been transported to my own wonderland. Eventually, I got up to write this down so that I can remember this dream. Sometimes dreams can be inexplicable and even absurd, but other times they can be inspiring and rejuvenating. I learned to appreciate my dreams as they can unveil things that our waking minds cannot. And the best part of it all is that when we wake up, we continue to remember that we are still very much alive and that the wonderful aspect of things is out there, waiting for us in our dreams.家长做梦都想要的英文绘本阅读技巧,老师一定要知道


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